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- Version 3.1
- copyright 1991, Jeff Napier
- P.O. Box 298
- Applegate, OR 97530
- Welcome to the Comedy Generator. The first thing to know
- is that you will not need to read these instructions. The
- program is designed to be so easy to use that no instruction
- is necessary. However, this information is here for those of
- you who would like to know as much as possible.
- 1. Copy all the files on your distribution disk so that if
- something goes wrong, you'll still have a good copy left.
- Simply copy everything to another disk or directory. In
- DOSese this translates to: COPY *.* x: where x is the
- destination. If you want to copy to a typical hard drive it
- would be copy *.* c:. Optionally, you can make a
- subdirectory named COMEDY by typing: MD \COMEDY. Then type:
- COPY *.* c:\COMEDY.
- 2. Start the program. Simply type: BEGIN and press <Enter>.
- If you have an older PC or XT-type computer, you may have to
- wait a few seconds for things to happen. The Comedy Generator
- is doing many invisible thinking sorts of things in the
- background and therefore is sometimes slow to respond.
- 3. The way to control the Comedy Generator is by using the
- MENU on the right side of the screen. Use the up and down
- arrow keys to highlight a function then press <Enter>. After
- that, instructions will appear in the lower left box.
- 4. Start by selecting BEGIN from the menu.
- 5. The Comedy Generator will now want you to type a sentence.
- Try something with at least one noun in it. Just like any
- sort of computer typing, press the backspace key if you make
- a mistake. If you can't think of anything to write,
- just press <Enter> and the Comedy Generator will give you a
- sample sentence. You have a limit of 6 lines. Your "sentence"
- can actually be several sentences, as long as they fit within
- the six lines of the upper box. When the sentence is
- complete, press <Enter> to let the Comedy Generator know that
- you are done.
- 6. Now the menu will be active again. Select 'WORD' from the
- menu. Type a word exactly as it is in your sentence. For
- now, a noun is best. For instance, if you have a sentence
- such as "THE CAT IS SITTING IN A BIG BOX." You might type:
- BOX. The Comedy Generator is pretty smart. If your sentence
- has punctuation marks, you can ignore them. If your sentence
- looks like this: MY DOG, "SPOT", LOOKS LIKE A BIG WOLF. you
- could type SPOT, "SPOT", "SPOT, SPOT", or even 'SPOT., and it
- will still do the job.
- 7. Look at the top box. Your sentence has been changed. It
- may or may not be funny. Practice with all the Comedy
- Generator's functions will make you better and better at
- getting funny results.
- 8. For now, let's experiment with some of these functions.
- The simplest is REPEAT. Select REPEAT from the menu, or just
- type R and then look at the top box again. The Comedy
- Generator tries again with the same parameters. You can
- select REPEAT as often as you like. Each time you do, the
- Comedy Generator makes another selection from a random word
- file. After several repeats, you will start seeing some of
- the same words appear again.
- 9. You may want to use a different word from your sentence.
- Just select WORD from the menu and type a different word that
- is in your original sentence. The original version is
- displayed in the lower left box.
- 10. So far, the Comedy Generator has been using the file
- called WORDS, which is a highly varied but small list of
- nouns. Soon, these would get tiring if that's all there
- were. But there are many more lists supplied with the Comedy
- Generator. Select LIST from the menu. You'll see a box on the
- right which is a menu of these lists. Using the up and down
- arrow keys, select one then press <Enter>. Do not select
- CUSTOM at this time, we'll talk about that choice later. Now,
- the menu is active again. You can choose WORD or REPEAT and
- the next selections will be from the new word list you have
- chosen. You can even select BEGIN and start with a new
- sentence.
- 11. I think you may be starting to see how you can make the
- Comedy Generator work for you. You can select the list which
- is most appropriate for the subject matter you are trying to
- make funny. But there's more you can do.
- 12. Select NUMBER from the menu and the bottom box will tell
- you to select a number between 1 and 9. This is the number of
- words you can pick from your sentence for substitution. As
- you know, the Comedy Generator normally allows you to pick
- one word. In many cases, however, substituting two different
- words in one sentence can be much more effective.
- Substituting up to 9 words is possible, but the outcome is
- usually so weird that it is useless. On the other hand,
- you'll get sentences so unlike the original that you'll
- certainly have some food for thought.
- After selecting a number, the Comedy Generator
- automatically takes you to the LIST function because with a
- different number of substitutions, it has to know what lists
- you'll now want to use. The LIST function repeats for as many
- substitutions as you have chosen. If you chose 4, for
- instance, the list menu will appear 4 times. The first time,
- in the left box on your screen, it will say for "selection
- #1", the second time for "selection #2" and so on. This gives
- you a chance to substitute a noun, then an adjective then a
- name, etc. You can also pick the same list more than once.
- You can pick "TITLES" for selection #1 and then "TITLES"
- again for selection #3 if you like.
- To see the result, now select WORD, which will repeat for
- the number of times you have chosen. Look at the last line
- of the lower left box and you will see that it is reminding
- you which list is being used for each substitution.
- 13. Do you remember the "CUSTOM" option on the list menu?
- It's the bottom option. If you select CUSTOM, you can type in
- your own filename. Any MS-DOS legal name is ok. But first,
- you need to have created it. This is one of the Comedy
- Generator's greatest features. Let's say that you have to
- prepare a speech for a group of architects. You could make a
- file called building and fill it with words and phrases
- relating to building design or materials.
- To do this, use any word processor that can create ASCII
- files and make a file that has each word or phrase on a
- separate line. Here's an example:
- gutter
- frank lloyd wright
- corner
- nails
- plaster & lath
- Ok, I'll admit it's a stupid example, but you get the
- idea. Notice that capitalization is not important. The
- Comedy Generator automatically fixes that. The Comedy
- Generator can also work with some non-ASCII files. It
- understands WORDSTAR files just fine. Notice too, that
- spaces are ok.
- There are some limits. You can only have up to 50
- characters per line and up to 200 lines per file. This
- limitation is to keep the Comedy Generator flexible. It must
- be able to run in computers with less that 640k RAM. We hope
- those of you with fancier computers find these limits
- acceptable.
- One little surprise: It is important that you don't add
- blank lines at then end of the file. Your file should end
- exactly at the end of the last word. If you can move the
- cursor below the last word, press the backspace key until the
- cursor is at the end of the word. Otherwise, the Comedy
- Generator thinks you have entered some blank words into the
- list.
- If you don't have a word processor, you can create a file
- directly from DOS. Here's what you do:
- 1.Type COPY CON FILENAME where "filename" is any legal
- MS-DOS filename, in other words, up to eight letters
- or numbers and optionally a period followed by up to
- three more letters or numbers. COPY CON tells the
- computer to copy whatever is typed at the "CONsole"
- into a file called whatever you typed for "filename."
- 2.Type words or phrases and end each one with <Enter>.
- 3.When your list is complete, hold the <CTRL> key and
- press <Z>. Then press <Enter>. <CTRL><Z> tells the
- computer that you are done making the file.
- After you have created a file, you can then start the
- Comedy Generator and select LIST, then CUSTOM from the list
- menu. Then type in the name of the file you have created.
- Obviously, you can create and use as many files as you like.
- You can also store them in a different disk or sub-directory
- and type the full drive and pathname before the file name
- with the CUSTOM Function. Note that you can also add to or
- modify the existing word files.
- A big surprise: The Comedy Generator is also a
- Creativity Generator! You can make other word lists and use
- them for non-comedy applications. For instance:
- Rent
- EquivALENt
- Mendicant
- Expenient
- requirement
- ...This list was used for a poetry application. For more
- general creativity, you can use a first name and a
- last name list to create character names for a story, or
- you can use lists of ideas to force an interesting story plot
- into existence.
- 14. Let's say you have already written some material. It
- would be silly to retype your sentences so the Comedy
- Generator could operate on them. Instead, you can choose
- IMPORT from the menu. Then type the name of the file that
- contains your previously written material. It must be an
- ASCII file or one that the Comedy Generator can convert. It
- can convert files created by most word processors such as
- Wordstar. (But with one notable exception:
- WordPerfect, version 5.0 or later. If you use this word
- processor, you must convert the file to ASCII first, and
- WordPerfect can do it, I'm told, but I don't know how. If I
- did, I would tell you, because I'm sure many of you like that
- program and want to use it in conjunction with the Comedy
- Generator.)
- The Comedy Generator will use only the first 6 lines of a
- file, (and that's 6 wrapped lines of 59 characters per line)
- If you have a file longer than that, simply make another file
- and paste part(s) of your first file into the new one, then
- use the small one with the Comedy Generator. Without this
- limit, the Comedy Generator would try to operate on your
- whole huge file and it would go nuts and your computer would
- start to overheat and start smoking, and be a fire hazard
- and....
- 15. If you've been experimenting along with this tutorial, by
- now you have probably lost a sentence that you would like to
- have saved. There are two places to keep Comedy Generator
- output for future reference. You can save your sentences to
- disk or to paper if you have a printer hooked up. To make a
- paper copy, with your printer on line, select PRINT from the
- menu and look at the lower left box. You have several
- options. Selecting Q will get you out of the printer options
- and back into the main part of the program. If you type O,
- for "One" the last sentence you created will be printed. If
- you type A for "All", everything from this point forward will
- be printed. To stop the printer from printing everything, you
- can later re-select PRINT from the menu and type S for "Stop
- printing" and the printer will no longer mock your every
- move.
- By selecting KEEP from the menu, your sentences are saved
- to disk instead of paper. If you type A, then all sentences
- will be saved. O will save the one last sentence you created.
- S will stop saving sentences if A (All) was previously
- selected. Unless you select C for "Change filename," the
- output will be saved in a file on the default drive and
- directory called RESULTS. If a file called RESULTS already
- exists, the new sentences will be added to the end of that
- file. You can use any word processor to access this file and
- edit it, paste it into other documents etc.
- If you do select C, you will be asked for the name of the
- output file. You can choose one that already exists or create
- a new one. If you choose one that already exists, the new
- sentences will be added to the end of that file. You can tack
- the drive and directory to the beginning of a filename if you
- want the Comedy Generator to put results somewhere other than
- the default disk/directory.
- If you have a hard disk, you really ought to select KEEP
- right at the beginning of every session, in case something
- incredibly good happens, then you'll have a record of it. If
- you have a floppy, you may not want to use this feature as
- much because it will slow down the Comedy Generator.
- Important note: if you have not turned on the A function
- to keep an on-going record either to paper or to disk, and if
- then you do have a particularly good sentence, select KEEP or
- PRINT right away and then the O option, before you change the
- sentence again.
- 16. If you have a color monitor, you can change the colors of
- almost anything in the Comedy Generator's displays. Select
- COLOR from the menu and look at the left box. Using the up
- and down arrow keys, select a display part and press <Enter.>
- Then you will be able to move the indicator in the right box.
- Notice that the top color is black. You can't see it, because
- it's black, but the indicator can point to it and you can
- select it. Press <Enter> to actually select a color. Then you
- can select other display parts to change and repeat the
- process for every part you want to change, or go back to the
- main display to see what results your color selections have
- had. To return to the main program display, press the <Esc>
- key at any time.
- Be careful about selecting color combinations that will
- hide text. Selecting a blue background and then blue text,
- for instance, would be stupid.
- In the upper left box of the main display will be a
- message: "Do you want to save color changes to disk?" You
- must answer by pressing Y or N. If you select Y, then it
- will create a file on the disk called COLORS.CFG. The next
- time you use the Comedy Generator, it will look for this
- file and if it finds it, instead of using the regular colors,
- it will use the ones you have chosen. HINT: If you have
- created a set of colors that are so terrible that you cannot
- read the Comedy Generator's displays, you can always delete
- COLORS.CFG and then it will use the normal colors again when
- you restart it.
- 17. As the author of the program, my favorite part is the
- selection called SHOP. This function takes you on a tour of
- other products I have created for your use or amusement. When
- done with this small catalog, press the <Esc> key to return
- to the main program.
- 18. Select QUIT from the menu when you are done with the
- Comedy Generator. It will ask whether you are sure in the
- lower left box. If so, type Y.
- I hope you enjoy using the Comedy Generator as much as I
- enjoyed making it. I must confess that in various stages of
- testing I came across some very funny sentences that had me
- falling out of my chair laughing. If your results start out
- more silly than funny, stick with it, practice with the use
- of this tool will help tremendously.
- This is shareware. You are invited to copy it and give it
- to your friends or distribute it for profit. The only
- requirement is that all files remain intact and unchanged.
- For those of you who don't know, shareware works like
- this: This program is offered to you on a try-before-you-buy
- basis. The author makes NO money until you send some. If you
- have paid a few dollars for this disk, you paid a distributor
- for the service of copying, not for the program itself.
- Because of this unlimited distribution many people get to see
- shareware products yet there are no advertising costs.
- That's why some software of this quality costs $300 but the
- Comedy Generator is only $9.95!!! If you like it, please
- 'fess up. Send $9.95 to:
- P.O. Box 298
- Applegate, OR 97530
- (Outside USA: Send US funds drawn on a US bank)
- Orders 1-800-345-DISK; All other business 503-846-7884
- - Jeff Napier
- February 5, 1991